Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day number 2!

Okay everyone.  So yesterday I had my wisdom tooth out.  Yes, I said tooth, not teeth.  I only had one wisdom tooth.  How did I get so lucky you might ask?  I have no clue.  But I guess I am just that awesome.  Anyway, so I was dreading this.  I was so scared that the doctor was gonna cut me open and I was going to know what was going on.  And on top of that, I was going to be awake through it.  Can you say terrified Kelsey?
Well, I went to the doctors yesterday and I was shaking from being so scared. The doctor shot me up with lots of Novocaine and before I knew it they were starting the procedure.   I had my eye mask to cover my eyes so I couldn't see anything. I also brought my ipod with the most amazing playlist.  I was ready to go.
WELL, I made it through a song and a half before the doctor was poking me and telling me I was done.
I turned to him and was like... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? It took all of 5 min to get my tooth out and sew me up. Totally ridiculous.
So now I am on day 2...  now almost day three of recovery.  But it is okay.  I slept pretty much all day. 

Anyways... on to day 2 of my 30 day challenge.
Day 2: Favorite Princess.

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